This post is to show you some works that I found during research. That can be that they use techniques I want to adapt and/or enhance or that they have similar themes or topics. Maybe I just think they're nice.
Let's start with a video of a work shown at the ars electronica. This one projects a video/animation of the digitally recreated model onto the actual model, creating in association with the sound an interesting experience of space.
Augmented sculpture from saar on Vimeo.
Second one is interesting and beautiful. He created fairly basic animations/motion graphics, to enhance an old traditional shadow theatre. What I like about this work is, that it is not as abstarct as the augmented sculpture and a lot of the media art projection works you see.
Check out Takashi's Seasons website and the video of the piece.
Another work shown at the ars electronica. Phantasm is, besides the way too much seen adaption of butterflies in graphics, beautiful and simple. The set up is not to complicated. They used a layer of half transparent fabric, so the projection goes through and is projected not only on this layer, but also on the wall behind the person. This creates a quite impressive depth. They find a good way to use a light to track the motion of the person. Because if you hover the light the butterflies disappear. I really like it because it is kind of simple and simply works. Even though, just one person at a time can use it, it can be seen from all people. Although they used a light for the motion tracking it is well integrated. It's good and everyone loves butterflies don't you?
Phantasm from saar on Vimeo.
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