Guess, it is just the time. Wasn't it always like sticking to an idea for about two weeks seriously then start doubting it seriously.
Funny thing though, I stumbled across something interesting while rechecking a quote. The book deals with fantasy and there is an interesting part from Jürgen Lehmann (2003) thinks of fantasy as an ambivalent concept especially in relation to fantastic literature but applies it to arts in general as well. Alright, to get to the point he refers to a story of Vladimir Odoevskij called the “Piranesi Tale”. It is a bout a guy who meets someone showing him a book with fantastic sketches and design concepts. The guy immediately closes the book saying that he is Piranesi who wrote it and that it is his curse. The other person says this can not be, because Piranesi is dead since a few decades. Piranesi then replies that he can not die as long as his creations don't get realized. Piece and salvation not until the endless, excessive of his designs experiences boundary.
I leave you with this as it left me with myself.
Non si male nunc et olim sic erit
Lehmann, Jürgen (2003): Phantastik als Schwellen- und Ambivalenzphänomen, in: May, Markus (hrsg)(2003): Phantastik – Kult oder Kultur?, Stuttgart, J.B.Metzler Verlag
* Zombies are good for your health by Poison The Well
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